Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / The innocent.


The sea does not bother, the night offers wind musical sound seven whispers me a love song that advocates total silence.
In the distance I hear an orchestra that makes me smell the perfume of jasmine, reminiscent of the distant past.
Road to nowhere with the emotions that make me go into an introspection, which is very exciting, gold at the dinner to be worth so little.
The mind is designed to be always active, leading to
Innocent life.

Texto agregado el 03-05-2011, y leído por 102 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
03-05-2011 Like it! so good! my best point 4 u! angeline
03-05-2011 Díganle eso a Bin Laden (díganselo en inglés of course) 2* LACANIANO
03-05-2011 Eso de que la mente está diseñada para estar siempre activa, me encantó. Los psicólogos dicen que por eso soñamos. azucenami
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