Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / elrudo37 / The Nothingness Era


El solitario y ebrio sonido repetitivo de una gota mangoneada hacia lo infinito de este mar, destroza la paz y crea el inicio de una gigantesca ola.

Time, times is just a spec of reality, it is the continuation of the empty gas tank waiting to be refueled by its own meaningless existence, as if we were running on the same recycled air for the rest of our days, feeling the need to renew the improbable and the intangible. Creating the same essential feeling and re-enacting the same steps we probably went through for the first time we encounter such emotional gigantic feeling. The reason of being, it is probably our most conflicting and hurting sense that has been induced in us by nature. Because of such sense we have been able to create and destroy without remorse, with the same empty tank we started life with. Renouncing and re-stating this caveman philosophy that has not being able to be eradicated from our existence; we simply cannot renounce it therefore we should relapse it from time to time.
The scenario is silent and those two gigantic curtains shake and slowly disappear from our sight leaving behind in this stage a naked scared sack of bones that deteriorates as thousands of piercing eyes rip every single one of its atoms into small unperceivable dust, and then the sudden feeling of wind storms the theater and takes everything with it. Leaving behind the death silence of nothingness, and the curtain collapses in a rush with each other. The audience is filled with awe and the rushing feeling of confusing fills the ambient; they are well entertained but never filled. Quickly, they look at each other for similar reactions and to their surprise everybody is filled with the same awe and amazement, everyone except one. He, alone under the shade of a lighting bulb, gets up his seat and starts clapping, honoring the spectacle. As he continues to solitarily clap, people around his circle join him out of confusion rather than acknowledgment of the artistically filled message. The circle gets bigger and it gets to a point where everybody in the theater is clapping. End

Texto agregado el 22-01-2011, y leído por 108 visitantes. (0 votos)

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22-01-2011 Un problema con el texto,(con el original) no pude leer. azucenami
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