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I know divorce. If someone knows divorce, it's me. I've been through two; they haven't been mine, but almost. It's hard, its complicated, its messy. Basically it's everything you don't want to go through all in one. I'm a firm believer in therapy, for those around it. That's how I got through alive, barely. Sure I can talk about it, but it doesn't mean I don't feel. Every inch of my body hurts, it hurts still and its been so long. If I learned something, I learned that its meant to hurt, and if you don't allow yourself to feel that pain you'll never get through it. There's no sense in fighting it. Feel it, embrace it, let it go. That's the process. And as for time, that's something I just don't know, only time will tell...

Texto agregado el 09-08-2010, y leído por 143 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
11-08-2010 Booze helps. galadrielle
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