Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / allancito / cruel mother


little one, I was wating for you
you are my dreams, my sun
the one I was waiting for
give me your smile, your sins,
and I'll give you my bood...

stay away from the others,
keep your mind as you are: a baby.
don't even try to get old,
do not grow, just stay here,
by my side, you'll never fly away.

my poor kid, you shouldn't ever been born,
just stay here, into myself,
just tell me where are you from,
and blind yourself to bring me
your little white soul...

Texto agregado el 01-07-2010, y leído por 127 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
03-07-2010 yes, she is very cruel!... ramen
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