Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I Would like to heal that pain wich makes you suffer in such a way
Wishing let me in to show you the way..
I need to love ia girl just come to me, I´ll walk with you..again
See birds fly sound stupid, match the colours of the sky too..
But did you ever think that simple things can make us happy?
I want to be with you in that moment, that right moment when you get

That simplest things are happiest

Texto agregado el 23-03-2010, y leído por 168 visitantes. (3 votos)

Lectores Opinan
23-03-2010 right.. when you are in love.. everything is beautiful!!. isn't it?... anlin
23-03-2010 Simple things make us happy ... It is a magnificent reality. I liked this text. Congratulations. Five. Catman
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