Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / vampireheart / Lying the truth


So this is it,
the real meaning of your vow,
the real meaning of your apology,
false as yourself,
false as your needs,
false as your tears,
false as the story of you and me.

Do you think you didn't give anything from yourself?
do you think you've won?
'cause it was just a game,
just two players to lose or win.

Can your heart be sincere
out of the stake of your irony?
let it bled,
I deserve
just a leak of your agony

Was it easy lie your live?
was it easy lie your love?
isn't easy lie your lie?

Well, I won 'cause you lost
and I don't want to lie,
but I can't tell the truth
since I lied as you did
I meant it to happen
see who miss
so? who won?

Texto agregado el 04-03-2010, y leído por 210 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
27-09-2013 Nicely done! This things happen because there is, from my viewpoint, a deliberate misconstruction between LOVE and love. odliam
24-01-2012 Asi es el secreto de los vínculos, empieza siendo un juego de seducción o termina siéndolo, eliges óeliges??o simplemente...siempre esperamos encontrar y no siempre tenemos buenos resultados. bellaboo
06-03-2010 who? both or nobody as i read suna
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