Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Tick, Tock! Tick, tick, tock!
The time has come!
To say hello, to say God bye
Time has flown
And I do not know
What time has in store?
For a fool such as myself!
Uncertainty is the feeling,
Uncertainty is what I fear
Uncertainty No More!
A fool can only Hope!

Tick, Tock! Tick, tick, tock!
The Time has come!
Greatness is what I strive,
Greatness I do not have
Greatness can be attained
Indeed a fool has complained!

Tick tock! Tick, Tick, tick, tock!
The time has come!
Fear of the unknown, I cannot cope
Fear on the unknown, I can only hope
Fear of the unknown, please be gone!

Tick, Tock! Tick, Tick, tick, tock!
The time has come!
Months become weeks
Weeks become days,
Days become hours
Hours become seconds.
And yet, the uncertainty, the fear
Of never reaching the Greatness
Digs a hole in my heart!

Tick, Tock! Tick, tick, tock!
The time has come!
To put up! Or shut up!
Fear: be gone!
Uncertainty no more
Greatness, here I come!
Tick, Tock!
Now I know!
That the time has come!

Texto agregado el 01-02-2010, y leído por 106 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
28-09-2011 Esta es una de las ocaciones que el azhar, me hace comprender, que hubiera sido mejor aprender ingles. pampita
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