Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / gonzalost / Dead City


“ … I’ve hidden some days in my office. I haven’t got the guts to look around. Since I saw people getting mad trying to kill each other, I’ve been under my desk. I have to get out and find out what happened, but now I can’t . I can’t forget how a woman was trying to bite a girl as a savage animal. Sometimes I hear klaxons out but I don’t dare to see through the window. I hear also, people screaming out there. The phone is dead. Television is out. I’m alone now. Tonight, I’m trying to get home … ”

Texto agregado el 26-01-2010, y leído por 104 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
29-01-2010 Muy reales las imagenes, aun siendo corto tu texto deja mucha visivilidad. buMe gusto. pintorella
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