Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Can you make my Wish?

Dead, dying
Torturing myself
I wish I was that lucky
But luck left me behind

Wish the voice in my head just stop
But it's laughing at me
Mocking me
Telling me the ugly truth
You're not good enough

I wish he could look at me
in some other way
But I'm just in the waiting list
And my turn never comes

Can you just lie to me?
Can you just make my wish?
Make me feel alive
Even for a while
Don't keep me waiting anymore!

Please don't
Hurts a lot...

Texto agregado el 07-01-2010, y leído por 109 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
08-01-2010 sorry????????????????? YO-SOY-ASI1
07-01-2010 ¡Ohhh, pobrecita que llora y llora y nadie la consuela! Que venga ese malvado a mentirte y a hacerte sentir viva. Bueno, tome este pañuelito y suene esa naricita. ¡A ver la carita…! logan5
07-01-2010 Something similar is happing to me now Estebanoz
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