Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / kits / Live your life


People with no life at all
Only videos and pictures
Do they have a life?
Do they have someone who love?
Do they got someone to fuck?

Only dreams of perfect knights
Not good for the soul
Love, admire, create
But obsess not
Destroy and keep you
from a real love

Life is too short for waiting
For the shinny armour
And the white steed
Or a perfect smile

Look around you
for a while
Choose your pathway
and smile
Like some one said

Don't go around in circles
Cos there's nothing for you there
Live, please live
Before life passes you
Before love passes you.

Texto agregado el 22-12-2009, y leído por 94 visitantes. (0 votos)

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