Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I Miss You

Dunno if your happy anymore
Dunno if the music gods
Left you alone

All I know is that I miss you
All those sounds
All those poems you made
Why did you just leave?
Why gave up to your dream?

All those sounds you made
All those poems you create

Yeah, babe, I miss you
Gloomy days without your songs
No more smiles on my radio

All I know is that I miss you
All those sounds
All those poems you made
Why did you just leave?
Why gave up to your dream?

All those sounds you made
All those poems you create

I'll pray the gods
To have you back
Even when I know
You left us for good

Texto agregado el 06-12-2009, y leído por 110 visitantes. (0 votos)

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