Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / idlas082 / The last hollow tree


My tender wings flattered while sitting on a branch, the golden dust drop as i moved my leg, resting on a quite place, under the sun, behind the leaves, with the cool shadow green of nature, when i saw you in front of me, i wasnt looking for you, but you held my hand and took me where noone else did. Then you became what i wanted, for the cool breeze touches my nose nomore, and the sun doesnt heat my cheeks, for electricity as i move my fingers through yours makes me cry, sweet salty tears as i taste them with the red of my lips. But we all do the same, we leave and continue, tell me... why did you make me fall in love? i really didnt want to...
Then my magic is lost, and i have to live amongts de mortals, for i have taken the forbidden fruit and have distinguished bad from good; now that i left all of myself because of you, i am nothing to you, now that i am all because of you, i'm not in your mind anymore. I have tasted all, and what u gave me was more than i wanted, if anything should happen i wish u well, i'll be okay, i hope love doesnt find me again, dont worry, i'll hide, you deserve everything, and i belong to the present, for fairy folks do not think and do not fall in love...

Texto agregado el 28-11-2009, y leído por 181 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
17-01-2010 Is this the pencil of Estér Píccolet? urulandes
29-11-2009 Don't listen to me... I just wanted to say sth so everybody thinks I'm cool... elpablo
29-11-2009 Kinda sad, but i think i'm not actually gettin' it... Cheers! elpablo
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