Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / kits / Robots Over The City (Steampunk Poetry) II



The dawn of a new Era
Japan is trying to win
Technology is not a game
Metal against metal
Two empires trying to win
Victoria and Meiji
Who wants the prize more?
A piece of the world
Sentinels against Mazingers
Wood, steel, steam
Blood, bones and skin
Fighting is the only way
A piece of the world
Victoria and Meiji
London against Tokyo
But we’re the Empire we must win
My shiny armor is ready
Theirs is waiting
Sentinels against Mazingers
The war is starting
The Dawn of a new Era

Texto agregado el 31-10-2009, y leído por 116 visitantes. (4 votos)

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