Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / kits / Robots Over The City (Steampunk Poetry) I



Slowly movement
Steam and grease
Metal and steel
Shiny armor
New cannons
Slowly I ride you
By dark the streets of London
Victoria sleeps
We are Her Sentinels
Nobody is surprise
We are the Empire’s power
Nobody seem to care
Robots over the city
We walk alone
Steam like fog
Metal noises
The city can sleep
The Empire can grow
We’re here to stay
The lonely riders
Shiny armor
Cannons ready
No one can defeat us
Victoria can sleep tonight.

Texto agregado el 31-10-2009, y leído por 123 visitantes. (5 votos)

Lectores Opinan
01-11-2009 Querida Kits!! vamos a tener que plasmar tu novela y tus eteampunk poetry en Manga!! son maravillosos, hasta parecen japoneses!! GASHOO KYOSHI kyoshisan
31-10-2009 veo que este idiota está de vuelta ania1
31-10-2009 1*...very bad! Murov
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