Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I'm like a celice whip
That slashes your back

I'm the soul
that drains your energy out
From your life well
Until there's nothing there

I'm the beast
That ripp your bones
Chewing the meat
Until they're clean

I need to get lost
I need you to get lost

I need the sun
I need the night

Noone forgive me
Cos I got nothing to regret
What you gave me it's what I am
What I do it's all I can

I'm the hand that caress you
the wand that hits you
The death that runs
The life that kills

Texto agregado el 05-10-2009, y leído por 101 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
05-10-2009 You are a lot of things. I hope you can do it. Poetacacho
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