Cold like a ripper you come
To take me Death
With a stone roses bouquet
I don't want you now
Leave, please
I'm scared of those dead roses
and I'm scared of the way you look at me
Don't touch me
Don't talk to me
Just let me see you face
Oh, sweet Death
Stone Roses
Like your stone eyes
d**ned and sparkless
Stone Roses
I don't want them
But I love them
I feel you close to me
I can feel your hands
I can fell you want me
Texto agregado el 30-09-2009, y leído por 197
visitantes. (3 votos)
Lectores Opinan
Beautiful text, impeccable, very emotional. Congratulations. 5 Catman
es forsoso el idioma, no tengo nociones de ingles mas que para palabras que no se usan en poesia y odiaria recurrir a una decadente traduccion de internet principe-detective
It´s a surprise to find a poem in another lenguage here.I want to tell you it´s kind of sad but nice as well. Congratulations! 5* tursol
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