Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / iochoa2 / My Wall


My wall has torn
everything inside has escaped
every thought
every feeling
every pain and suffering
is free in my mind.

I'm no longer in control
I must face all of them
I can't run anywhere
'cause all is inside my mind.

I can't run, I can't escape

I must face my true feelings
I must face what's inside of me.

I'm loosing myself into my own darkness.

I already lost.

I heard them screaming
I heard them laughing
then I fell all alone
only echoes in the darkness
only pain in this empty space.

Face them, don't be coward
If I put them inside
I could restrain them again

Another brick, another piece
of myself contained
Another thought, another fear
pushed to the limit
Another feeling, another painful memory
come back to life, and get under my skin.

This is almost done
another wall has been set
it gets bigger every time;
it must hold back
it must be my own prison,
my wall.

Texto agregado el 04-09-2009, y leído por 127 visitantes. (1 voto)

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