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Si dejo pasar este dia, sin escribir alguna memoria sera como otro dia, un dia sin memoria, ya que pues el momento sigue, pero al final, de momentos a momentos, es tratar de insinuar que el tiempo es padre del momento, cuando es todo lo contrario…. Vivir al momento.. es vivir una vida.. solo un lapso de ser a querer ser, de tener a querer perder, de vivir .. a morir.. bang!

Por que escribir? Sinceramente las palabras son solo balas, un monton de plomo que de tu alma emana, merma la ubre, merma la sangre cuajada para desatar las vías y activar salidas entradas, volver a sentir electricidad acumulándose, después de purgar esa cantidad exagerada, después de terminar ese martirio momentáneo, mental, solo un pétalo entre los peldaños, de tu vida.
I once, and forever, will remember my friends, since the brotherhood of mankind is long forgotten, i have to reconstruct my own brotherhood. Usually I would start by attaching myself to memories, to acquantiances, to you to all, and then find the names, the histories, the memoirs, and find you again, your such a circular motion, it feels like a tattoo just being redrawn but never destructed, using the same elements, the same ingredients in a different notion, revive, vitalize, conjure the ritual of the sacred evolution, your body and mine all of the bodies we have come to, down this line, that is curves into another curve, circular notion, in fragments might seem like a line, but in a bigger perspective you become amazed, not everything you see, its what it says, looks and what you perceive. Mornings are always a pain, a pin point of pains, a moment where trees breath out the oxygen, you could see, feel their machinery just ending their cycle, all night long letting the rotation take over, hearing the sounds little sounds, just silently quietly at home, inside the shelter there is a knock in you window there is a song. So many songs that it is of great importance to take acknowledgement of such events, dear MOTHER EARTH, when did we turn wrong to you, when did we stopped talking your language,instead of evolution this seems a totale self destruction, distribution of hatred and insanity, accompanied bye decadence and a very vague uncertain future. Her, him, but more her since when I’m with here we just become one, there is a complementary moment, the moment where she is missing something, something I have, and I also need something she has, the One, is just so perfect, feel not in touch with her, but with you … at the same time, makes me realize the big importance of your precense, you are my all, and this all, the one for “mortals” “humans” is just a big screen, one mickey mouse, one Britney spears, scary to know that we praise a plastic lord. . An idea has become our ideal, ain’t that scary, I’ve always thought that volatile we are, volatile we all, but it seems that once the suit is yours there is no customization available, just the austere reality we’ve taken for clothing.. .. becomes sacred. Divine.. another God.. god . god.. go.. .. d..

Ate you at the morning.. Amiga.. amigo. .el ella.. todos. Uno mismo.. .. no es para crear chaos ni confusión es solo un fragmento de mi conflicto interno..


Texto agregado el 05-08-2009, y leído por 176 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
05-08-2009 Me interesaron tus conflictos y ciertas expresiones de tu lenguaje me parecieron muy pintorescas. marea-rioplatense
05-08-2009 Creo que habrás querido decir "stories" en vez de "histories" porque estabas hablando de recuerdos tuyos. Y sería "presence", no "precense". Aún así tus conflictos internos son interesantes. Muestran esa "humankind" que tanto hace falta por estos lares. SMILEATER
05-08-2009 aburrieron sin tilde ilde ilde, salmuera!!!! salmuera
05-08-2009 Demasiados MOMENTOS, me aburrierón antes de empezar el segundo párrafo. Enriquece tu vocabulario luego escribe salmuera
05-08-2009 ¿? ¿Por que no escribes en un foro ingles? puntocom
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