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The second day in Prep Carmencita and Sebastian went in Vacations in a cabana into the Jungle in a placid lake and romantic environment.

Teacher that day said to Carmencita:

-why you and your boyfriend believe are in love?

Carmencita said:

-We always hear stuff like, "It's been 6 months and he hasn't said 'I love you' yet." As if that's supposed to really mean something. But the fact that you've been together for 6 months doesn't mean anything other than you've been at it for 6 months. It doesn't mean that you're any closer to love than you were 6 months ago.

Sebastian was uncomfortable with the explanation and asks to Carmencita:

-I always said to you “I Love You” What do you talking about, why you said that?

Carmencita knows that Sebastian take the things very personal, so she try to be soft for no hurt his feelings:

-Because, as with anything else in life, the passage of time doesn't mean that you've actually accomplished anything. You don't get an "A" in school or a promotion at work just for showing up every day for 6 months. You have to actually DO something. And it has to be something GOOD.
It's a lot like saying "practice makes perfect." They figure that if you've been doing it a lot, then you should have perfected it. But think back to when you were practicing your penmanship in the second grade. Now look at your handwriting today. Have you actually perfected your penmanship? Some of us still have fairly good penmanship -- and some of us don't.

Teacher puts sad for Sebastian and tries to continue the class, but Carmencita still talk until Sebastian said:

-I don’t understand Carmencita, if we have a great romantic story the last two years and only were 6 mount ago when I confess my feelings, but now you are uncomfortable about our relationship, and we practice make love in the jungle, remember? Why?

Teacher interrupts the dialog between them and said:

-Ok, guys. I think you need to fix your problems in home not in class. Sebastian maybe you need more practice, that is like math’s and Physics. Right Carmencita?

Carmencita response:

-Because practice does NOT make perfect, teacher. Listen Sebastian, you have to actually practice the RIGHT things in the RIGHT way to get it RIGHT. You have to follow the right steps and you have to put your whole effort into it. That takes focus and dedication. But if you keep at it, then "muscle memory" takes over. Your body does it without having to think about it. Like breathing.
The problem is that "muscle memory" also applies to practicing the wrong thing the wrong way over and over again too. Your body doesn't know the difference. That's why a lot of people still have bad handwriting. It becomes a bad habit they can't break because they always had bad form and they kept practicing that bad form over and over again.

Sebastian said:

-ok, practice doesn't make perfect, it just makes it permanent. But I Love You honey bonnie, and remember that day when we celebrate our anniversary?

-So let's get real about 6-month pseudo-anniversaries. At 6 months, you don't actually LOVE each other. Sure, you think you do. But you don't really. That's why it's so damn hard for you to say, "I love you." And that's why you need your partner to say it so badly. Because you want your own feelings to be validated so you can call it "love" too.

Carmencita doesn’t leave the argument and the teacher was angry, and Sebastian was in the limit to cry, the poor little boy approach to Carmencita and she refuse his arm around her shoulder and still said:

-Sebastian get so caught up in superficial romantic gestures that they forget the real work that has to be done in developing a real relationship. That's why they go overboard in celebrating 1-month, 2-month, and 6-month pseudo-anniversaries. At the same time, when their partner says, "I'm feeling much stressed (or unhappy, frustrated, depressed, etc.)," their first reaction is "What about me?" instead of "Is there anything I can do for you?" They can't even practice good customer service with the one customer they supposedly love.
So, if anything, you're "in" love with each other. Unfortunately, people always mistake being "in" love for real love. "In" love involves chemistry. You either have it or you don't. And if you don't have it, then no amount of time is going to change the fact that you don't have it. That's where "he's not that into you" comes in.
But even if you have chemistry, that's still not enough to make a relationship. Because real love requires time to develop. And a lot of work. You have to be secure enough as an individual to be able to set your "me"-centeredness aside and become more "us"-oriented. You have to value making peace more than you value your pride or your principles. "Doing the right thing" has to be more important to you than "being right."

Teacher said:

-STOP, let me start the class; you spend 20 minutes in that ridiculous situation. Please guys, leave your argument after class.

Sebastian made cry but Carmencita ignore that until the others partners made a mess in the class, they leafing and jokes. Carmencita said:

-Teacher let me finish this one, for example: You also hear people say stuff like, "I love you, but I'm not IN love with you." That's just BS. What they really mean is "I was IN love with you more than I actually LOVED you." The truth is that once the chemistry faded, there was nothing left to sustain the relationship. "In" love never blossomed into real "love."

Teacher saw Sebastian and said:

-Listen Carmencita, I doesn’t understand the point, where you going with that? Class you only have 15 minutes for make the test today, so lets take a pencil and…

But Carmencita continue:

-where I going? This is my point Teacher, there's no "love at first sight." That's "in" love. And there is no love at 6 months either. That's still "in" love. Real love needs to develop. And you have to actually DO something -- and it needs to be something GOOD.

Sebastian remembers the anniversary and said to Carmencita:

-Please, remember Carmencita, I Love You, and you are all for me, the anniversary was the most pure love’s test I pass.

But Carmencita still argue:

-Sebastian you making a big fuss about celebrating your 6-month pseudo-anniversary, then you're much too aware of what time it is to be actually doing anything of any real significance. It's like going to work. Some employees spend their time watching the clock all day to see when it's break time, lunch time, or quitting time. But a few dedicated workers spend their day actually doing their jobs. Because if you're focused on what you're supposed to be doing, then time should pass without being noticed.

Teacher takes his papers, his books, and said:

-Guys, sorry for ask a normal question. But if you Carmencita still talking at respect the class is yours, in five minutes remaining I doesn’t have time for your test of math so I quite, good bye.

The Teacher slam the door but Carmencita saw the teacher wait behind the door and make a signal to the class, until she continue:

-Sebastian let me brief this, if you're washing dishes, then you have to wash the dishes to WASH the dishes -- NOT to get it over with so you can go do something else. You need to be fully engaged in the task of washing the dishes. Like I said before, you have to actually practice doing the RIGHT things in the RIGHT way if you want to get it RIGHT.

Carmencita puts happy when the teacher goes and turn to Sebastian and said:

-And if you take care in doing what you're doing today, then tomorrow will take care of itself.

The class start to celebrate, now thanks to Carmencita and Sebastian’s show, they escape the Math’s Test. Sebastian kiss to Carmencita, and the other guys made a mess, drawing in the boar the face of the teacher when said “good bye” that’s funny.
Suddenly the Teacher of English approach and everybody keep the calm and setting the class again. They have other Test, now the turn is for Manolito and Doloritas…

Texto agregado el 06-07-2009, y leído por 111 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
24-11-2009 Parece una continuacion de una de las escenas de "Secreto para el Amor" pero en ingles. florecitarockera
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