Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / karenbu / ned and fred


Hello,hello, my name is ned. on rainy days, I rhyme with fred.What words do you know that rhyme with sled} I have a dog, his name is ted. he has a bow that's big and red.I have a goat,his name is Ed. Ed has a bed in a little brown shed.Ned and Fred each have a sled. Ned's is blue, and Fred's is red}think of words that rhyme with sled.then try to rhyme like Ned and Fred.

Texto agregado el 02-02-2009, y leído por 87 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
02-02-2009 yo se escribir ingles, pero leer no, bueno un chise estupido Minickesnick
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