Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / vesper / Blues for a sad Girl, don t be sad baby!


Don t be sad, girl

Girl, it s time to relax,
Why don t you get in on wax?
Oh, baby, you re so divine...

Girl, it s just bad for a while,
My God, it costed to much,
Oh, baby, you re so fine...

Why I can t make you mine?
Why don t you let this happen?
Are you sure, baby...
Come, girl, wake up,
Cause i could go and not came back...

Oh, girl,
Oh, hunnie,
Please come here with me
Oh, girl,
Oh, darling,
Please come and please never leave me...

Girl, it s time to relax
Why don t you go to see a movie?
Oh, baby, lets go to Cinemark...

Girl, it s time to let it go,
You are the swetest thing
And i ready to taste it

Why I cant make you love me?
Why i cant make you smile?
I just wanna have you in my bed
And make you so happy,
I promise that you will never forgett!

Oh, girl,
Oh, hunnie,
Please come here with me
Oh, girl,
Oh, darling,
Please come and plese never leave me...

Girl, don t be sad,
Please, baby,
Remind that you re beatifulll,
No one can t ruin that,
No one can stele your life,
Cause baby, i will make sure of that...

Texto agregado el 15-12-2008, y leído por 127 visitantes. (0 votos)

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