Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / vesper / She is calling


She calls me…
Cause´ she now that I am still awake,
Im the only one who actually knows her,
Im the only one who can´t love her…
Because Im so far away…

But she calls me…
And mi entired world it seems to be nicer,
And mi entired hearth it seems to be bigger,
And mi lovely point of view became stupid,
Cause´I can not lover her,
I can not be there…

Instead, I will keep my cold hearth
Away from the fresh air,
I will remember, to the end, how it sounds her voice…

She calls me…
Cause´ im her only friend…

Texto agregado el 24-11-2008, y leído por 119 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
27-11-2008 What a wonderful friendship.. "A brother cannot be a friend, but a friend will be always a brother." wbgg
24-11-2008 Open the tranquera for que pase mi chinita emece
24-11-2008 This beautiful text.. chilli
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