The CIELAB L*, a*, and b* and calculated chroma (C*) and hue angle (ho) values of fresh and processed green pears (Bartlett) are reported in Table 3.1. Green pigments of control samples (dewaxed and blanched in water without the addition of zinc ions) were mostly destroyed after 12 min heating at 94 oC. There were no significant (P>0.05) differences in L* (lightness), b*(yellowness), and C* (color intensity) values between treated (dewaxed and blanched in zinc ion solution) and control samples, but significant (P
Texto agregado el 27-10-2008, y leído por 70
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I am astonished by this recipe to whiten the clothes.
I had years of longing for something similar.
How to be grateful for so many gentility to you? ZEPOL
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