Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / marbella / Thinking


i do i do
think about you!!!
i miss you
my hands want to hold yours
my arms want to embrace you
my eyes want to see you again
my ears want to heard you talking
my mind keeps a picture of u smiling at me
my lips are dying to kiss u again
so if u think i dont miss u
or you think i dont think about you
i hope you now have an idea of how
much i do think about you......

Texto agregado el 17-10-2008, y leído por 82 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
17-10-2008 it's beautiful!, but, I don't know speak english, good, but I understand your text, it's very good, I write too... good luck! bye... ivancamella
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