Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / chechyta / Muerto


-Where did you get that from?
-He gave it to me
-Who's He?
-Just He
-What's your problem?
-I have no problem
-Then, why don't you tell me who give it to you?
-I'm telling you; He give it to me.
-I think we're not understanding each other.
-He came to me, said a few words in my ear, gave me a gentle kiss in the cheek, put his beautiful present in my hands and he kept walking.
-Then a stranger give it to you.
-No, he wasn't a stranger. I'm pretty sure I've known him since a long, long time.
-You're crazy
-Maybe, but I'm happy and you're dead.

Texto agregado el 01-10-2008, y leído por 176 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
01-10-2008 Me gustó, tiene algo de esperanza... muy bueno Smile-like-you-mean-it
01-10-2008 ayyy chenchita, yo tenía una burrita que se llamaba chenchita y cuando se le olvidaba el rebuzno emitía gruñidos en inglés! marxtuein
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