Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Once again this strange well known
Pain in the heart
Bleed the words in my mind
Thinking with your memory

Knife to cut the pain
Salty taste of the loneliness
Colored scream of my suffering soul
Today just material, tomorrow the same
Quick replace of the total absence

Confronting shadows of my fate
Fate that I tried to change
I understand once again
The real limits of my dreams
Now that I know the truth I won’t forget this date

The fight for the unique hearth I wanted
The search for the different way
The violent fall down showed me the reality
I won’t fight anymore,
I won’t dream anymore,
I won’t ask for more,
It was everything
Never perfect,
Never mine.

Texto agregado el 07-09-2008, y leído por 180 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
08-10-2008 5* me gusto mucho.... dia a dia lo mismo,....... nos deja mal pero hei! animo... yo he pasado x lo mismo y despues de una tormenta siempre hay calma cuidate. darkgirl
07-09-2008 Excelente ritmo. Se lee sin problemas... Bien logrado... Deja un mal sabor de boca, excelente (5*) Rauzan
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