Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / vampireheart / Who am I?


Who am I?
The one who lives here inside?
The one who is afraid of the others?
The one who loved?
The one who can't hate?
The one who will live alone until he will decide, that's the one who I am.

If I once believed in people,
now I don't believe in anyone
anyone even me,
'cause the mind and heart can play with your fate,
I don't believe in me.

I don't believe in you,
whoever you are,
you lied to me,
you can't say the truth,
don't you have a piece of dare?

I don't believe in you,
you used to say I love you,
you used to have my mind full of you,
now you leave me,
now you cry, now you have to live,
now your life is other
now you live without me.

I don't believe in you
you who used to have nice words for me
being in the other side of this nightmare,
I don't believe in you 'cause now I know who you really are
'cause now I know what your mind can think
'cause now I know what your mouth can say
'cause now I know that you don't deserve your name.

I don't believe in you
once told me that I was your friend forever
and now I'm here writting that I don't believe in you
cause you're never again with me.

Don't believe in you
'cause you can't tell me what you want from me
'cause you are not that friend you used to be
'cause you made me love you and now are forgetting me
'cause that's the way how you have changed
and I could follow that change
'cause I'm here feeling the loneliness
thinking when you're going to tell me that you hate me
such as other people hate me
here in this irreal supposedly not material world,
in my personal nightmare,
wherever is a piece of you.

I don't believe in me anymore
'cause I said I would'nt love, and I did it
'cause I said I would'nt believe, and I did it
'cause I said I would'nt dream, and I did it
'cause I said I would'nt be one more, and I was one
'cause now I dont know anything about me.

Soon all this will finish, just hope don't be wrong again, such as I was ever.

Texto agregado el 30-08-2008, y leído por 185 visitantes. (4 votos)

Lectores Opinan
31-12-2008 spiderman! smeagolna
31-08-2008 me too! suna
30-08-2008 that´s right, very interesting but you´ve a little wrong, is "don´t" rextanaka
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