Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I figured it out today…it’s harder to let go cause all my memories with you were good, we were perfect for each other… everything was good, we were great, and I don’t even want you back, I don’t want to be with you, I just miss you, I miss talking to you, being with you.

I miss everything. The way we would laugh together, the way we would do nothing together, all those nights spent laughing, watching tv, kissing each other. Giving you everything I am.

I didn’t feel anything for anyone till you. That’s what hurts, knowing its going to take a million guys to feel something again, knowing that now I really believe love doesn't exist.

And all this because you want to be single, cause you cant appreciate anyone true to you, knowing that you want to be free, scared of hurting, of loving, of everything in between.

Of loving someone. Of loving me.

Of knowing I’m real, and knowing that what YOU feel is real, of accepting reality. Me? I’m scared of being a slave to your facebook, of knowing you’re with someone else and not being able to let go. Of knowing I could have had something with people who actually appreciated me and of letting them go... They were willing to take the chance. You weren’t.

I’m scared of being close to you and not being able to share all those things we planned. So many things you won’t understand. Knowing you lied to me. All those things seemed real when you said them, but now, wow, now I know they’re all lies. What happened to you?

Teach me how to let go so easily, teach me how you do it. Teach me how to cheat. All those things you said, all those movies we watched. Teach me how to touch without feeling. Teach me how to detect your lies. How to stop missing your skin. How to move on without thinking. Teach me.

Teach me how to love again. Teach me how to forget to think, to forget to feel, to forget to love you.

Texto agregado el 28-08-2008, y leído por 110 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
28-08-2008 My friend: A wonderful work. Although you will have a reduced audience since you have chosen to write in English. Try it in Spanish. I bet you will get the comments your excellent work deserves. Best wishes sugonall
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