Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / memmita / I\m Knocking Your Door


Rather I must say,
how we came to meet.
Foolish how we look,
rather I must say tonight…

I’m knocking your door,
I want to be in the stairway.
Please accept me, I know you
see me, I can’t no more.

Tell me; tell me
Do you see me?
Scream to me
How you see me.

I say: “Don’t let me faint”.
You say: “Let’s be blind,
all! Turn deaf and blind,
blind and dumb”.

I’m Knocking now your window,
I’m looking through.
Waiting, hoping, dying,
for a life that is hard to come true.

Now gaze upon the gray sky,
doors won’t open to me.
Why won’t you?
Oh… It’s the way it has to be.

Is it just me? Or is it my pockets too?
Maybe is all, or the color of my skin?
Let me pass, you are like me, right?
Sadness and sorrow tell your eyes.

Brother, we can’t no more.
Sister, help us, because
we can’t keep walking so long.
We aren’t invisible, they aren’t blind.

Sitting helpless, we aren’t count in.
We aren’t count in! And as glares pierce us,
we share a never ending dream:
Being watched, being felt, just live.

I’m knocking your door…

Texto agregado el 24-07-2008, y leído por 109 visitantes. (3 votos)

Lectores Opinan
24-07-2008 Cual Es El Mensaje Que Tratas De Dar? Te Sientes Rechazada? VuelaEnJapones
24-07-2008 Me choca toparme hasta acá con el inglés. Aurorandy
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