Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / darkerth / No Us In This
For thicker lines we need bigger sheets
for better sound we need deeper spaces
for gallons of blood we need tons of blades
that blood that runs on miles of veins
you know lovely sounds of strange whereabouts
single moves to us and discuss, five meanings
the best of all
just like the fools that have died for nothing
fooled under the promise of a future
You know I know
the clouds couldn't have better shape to me
the trees couldn't have seamed meaner to me
we both thought on it, but couldn't say a word
there's no promises here
there's no a greater reward, not even one
there's no fuel to burn
there's no dreams to kill
there's no Us in this
Now You could say that this just work as a game
sick up nightmare and you'll wake up any time
you could bend your knees and yell to lie
and say that is true love on demand
then feel that sore of emptiness on all your chest
I've no bulletproof vest, no protection at all
that piercing sensation had gone through me already
actually it's almost every day
Don't make me now the golden medal someone forgot to gave you
don't make yourself the odd promise of a better day for both along
I've admitted it, please do the same
that invisible wall between us, unbreakable at itself
it's something that will never fall apart
first your spirit than that! |
Texto agregado el 21-07-2008, y leído por 108
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