Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Yes, I know, darling,
deserts always seem endless.
But nevermind the dryness,
fix your sight ahead and walk...
Even when there's no rain,
but in your heart.
Step by step,
the path is hidden in the sand,
may you follow it,
or may it follow you at last.
And when you reach the last water droplet,
you'll realize...
It was always inside,
flowing from your eyes,
making that last coil of grass blossom,
driving existance into a mad, colorful spring.

Ironical way of finding out that seasons only come and go...
as you like.

Texto agregado el 04-07-2008, y leído por 120 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
10-02-2009 Pollito chicken, gallina hen. Es fácil, claro. Bye Bye love. mente_ranchera
04-07-2008 Esos pasos en el desierto tras una ilusión enterrada bajo las dunas, se me antojan tan áridos como una chupadita de tiza en el Sahara. 5* ZEPOL
04-07-2008 Mi padre insistia. ¡Tenes que aprender ingles! Y yo no le di pelota. ¡Miren ahora todo lo que me estoy perdiendo! tio_coco
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