Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / jazzman / I remember you


I remember you as the sea
calm and patient before chance,
as the wonders of heaven
which stars roam there
I remember you as the end of a beautiful poem.

Although the sun goes off
although the rain disappears,
you will always be the best memory
the most beautiful of all.

If one day destiny may asked of me
what was the best part of my life?
I would say without hesitation
that you were and still are.
The most beautiful on the face of the universe
the most sublime and divine
always find it in you ...

that's why I keep reminding you that even
every sunrise, every sunset
and in every one of my heartbeats
Forever in them you will be.

Texto agregado el 08-06-2008, y leído por 110 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
08-06-2008 Yo le llamaria Endless Love. Hermoso amor para el ser amado, hasta el fin de la existencia y mas alla. Muy bueno. alegreincer
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