Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Smile-like-you-mean-it / Weird


It's nice and warm here...
(entre mis cenizas)
It's silent and lonely here...
(nadie alrededor)

It's cloudy and rainy outside...
I like that
(pero no quiero salir)
It's violent and false here
I like these too
(me quedaré aquí)

They lied to me, I believed in them
I lied to myself too, to much.
(no estoy arrepentida, lo seguiré haciendo)

It's quiet and noisy here
Those voices don't stop talking
(pero no vienen de allá afuera, allá no hay nadie)

It's lonely, lonely here
I don't need any of you
(nadie me conoce)
We're all the same
I don't need to know them
(y no quiero)

In a weird condition of nothingness
Where the dreams kill themself
(todos están muy lejos)
I'll sink myself into a world of paper
I'll drink myself till kill me
(déjame hundirme en mis cenizas un rato)

Where everything is warm
Where everything is calm and violent
Where everything is blue

Where everything is nothing

Texto agregado el 18-05-2008, y leído por 280 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
19-05-2008 Está bonito. Está escrito en dos idiomas diferentes, ¿no es cierto? Con música lenta de heavy metal quedaría bien (creo). Desastroso
18-05-2008 And there is not better, to rest under the humid mud of anything? ZEPOL
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