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dear mister presiden bush:

¿dont you had enouf of humilliation by know? the war of irak its just wrong, because the only thing that your doing its destroy familys and life, from irakies and americans and people from all over the world, and not just that...

sir, you look like a disent men who makes bad decisions and make terrible mistakes, but your just in time to make a change, you can make a change starring for the people of irak, by send them food and help, and not just them, people on africa can be help by a nation like america, the worldwide dream, we all can make a change, and you can be the first one to make that step. stop this war and use the soldires to help people on africa, send food and water there, send doctors !SEND HAPPYNESS¡ with just a little help you can change a life drasticly, and i hope in a good way.

please, i care if you read this message because, with just one voice, with the help of all of us, we can make a diferent, but we can make a better diference if we are listen too.

like i say before, you look like a good men, plesae dont make a lot of hundreds of people change their mine, dont be that guy, show us that there's someone who cares and listen to the world when it says, help your brothers and sisters, because in the end of the day, we are not diferenst, we are all a family, and this its a family that would like to be hear and help to survive another day.

grettings from chile....

The Frankies

les dejo la tarea de traducir mi escrito si de verdad aprecian nuestros ideales como nosotros respetamos los suyos....

Texto agregado el 18-04-2008, y leído por 153 visitantes. (5 votos)

Lectores Opinan
09-06-2008 Te faltó el clásico de clásicos... Fuck you mother fucker!! " Hermoso, realmente hermoso. Saludos desde Iquique Chile. esposo_de_mitsy
02-05-2008 Yo no la traducí, como Naty15, yo la traduje, aunque viene siendo lo mismo. Solo tengo una duda que espero alguien me aclare ¿Sabrá Bush leer? Saludos y un abrazo con cariño de amigos***** aprendizdecuentero
20-04-2008 Ya la traducí y me pareció muy buena, ojalá que él la leyera y la voz de su conciencia le hable finalmente. Mis 5*. Naty15
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