Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / daggaz / Imagine the view


Imagine the view
From a helicopter gunship
A man comes into view
And you hit a switch
And you cut that man in two

Imagine the view
When they bounce that shit off of satellites
And they hit a switch and when they hit that switch
All the heaven shits/falls on you

We have begin

Imagine the view
when the bombardiers are flying on
the cities burning on fire
And that mother how have lost her child

Imagine the view
When we all have crashed down
You loose your fears
On that nightmare
And the military complex has fallen down

Texto agregado el 12-04-2008, y leído por 203 visitantes. (4 votos)

Lectores Opinan
19-04-2008 when i read your poem i imagen the war ¿its that about? -Ally, singer of the_frankies_xD
15-04-2008 me lo imagino y espero q ojala cosas como esas no vuelvan a suceder aleccionando
13-04-2008 Me gustó,no hablo el inglés perfecto pero lo pude entender******* Victoria 6236013
12-04-2008 http://www.thestories.net/ HugoPerea
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