Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / cotaro / the shake of my neck


una breve apología por el idioma

I can't keep wondering
even when i numb
i can't stop the shake of my neck
and it feel's like burn
on my eyes
i can't flush that smell
i can't get over that crotch
i can't feel my toes
and whe she was walking down stairs
never noticed me
and i feel draged.
i'm tasting all of that
cause i don't know
how to say good bye.

Texto agregado el 19-03-2008, y leído por 126 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
21-03-2008 je je je really funny!! just don't say bye .. you could say "Hasta la vista baby"... so original and sounds good! aisa
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