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«When you think back on it a couple of months later what you remember is maybe tha car ride to the ball, you can’t remember the ball.»
«Some people decide to be old an then they do exactly what old people are supposed to do.»
«“No no no. We weren’t married yt, remmemeber? So it must have been twenty-six and three-quartet years ago”.»
«In New York you don’t have time to have an esthetic.»
«Then there’s time in the street, when you run into somebody you haven’t seen in, five years, and you play it all on one level.»
«Nobody’s frazed, nobody’s thrown out of time, nobody gets hysterical, nobody loses a beat. Thats when it’s good»
«They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them youself.»
«“My mother didn’t love me” –So ¿What? –“My husband won’t ball me” –So ¿What? –“I’m a success but I’m still alone” –So ¿What?»
«A person can cry or laugh. Always when you’re crying you could be laughing, you have the choice»
«So you can take the flexibility your mind is capable of and make it work for you. You decide what you want to do and how you want to spend your time.»
«I was watching TV this week and I saw a lady go into a ray machine and disappear. That was wonderful»
«When I’m eating a box of candy, I can’t wait to taste the last pice. I don’t even taste any of the other pieces»
«You see, to get to know one more person is just too hard, because each new person takes up more time and space»
«You’re usually making the same mistakes»
«I’m always interested in the right thing at the wrong time»
«You go by so many theaters where there are long, long lines. But nobody looks unhappy about it. It costs so much money just to live now, and ir you’re on a date, you can spend your whole date time in line, and that way it save your money because you don’t have to think of other things to do while you’re waiting and you get to know your person, and you suffer a little together, and then you’re entertained for two hours. So you’ve gotten very close, you’ve sahared a complete experience. And the idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting anyway.»
«If you really want your life to pass like a movie in fornt of you, just travel, you can forget your life»
«What makes a movie fast is when you see it, and when you see it a second time it goes really fast»
«I can see a murder mystery one nigth, and then see it a second time the next night and still not know who did it until the very last minute»

Texto agregado el 14-03-2008, y leído por 183 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
03-04-2008 ja ja ja... está mala costumbre de primero leer los comentarios.. ya no pude ni emepzar a leer. zetaequisye
14-03-2008 yo me espero... juana_la_loca
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