Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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dont give in, dont ever give in
keep you, sharing the light
even if it then get shredded

life, hurts and breaks a lonely soul
makes one feel for all of us,
makes one fear, makes one lack
a bit of a little, an end to a start

to viceverse
all the versa
till in verse
you reverse, and so on:

days, four years, eight months
one more, or one less
is more

Texto agregado el 01-03-2008, y leído por 153 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
01-03-2008 La vida duele, pero si cedes, el miedo te invadirá, no importa el tiempo, siempre habrá un futuro para aquellos que logren superar sus adversidades. Te Saludo Macacay
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