Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / lupitakorn / To J.D.


(I don´t care a shit, this is the way I have to do it.)

Just write these lines cause I have to say thanks to all those workers of korn and especially you. Probably you listen this every day but in my case you are the only one!
Your music makes me feel out of this world. In fact I have no problems at all but your music leads me to a place next to you and then, everything is perfect.

But there is always an exepcion, the song Daddy pf! The first heard it, I hurt me, your voice tear my heart appart. I have a daughter and just imagine pf! I feel horrible, and when I hear you weeping, I can't describe, is desperating because I feel the need to embrace you so strong until you feel better, not to try to fix the any situation, is just a hug, I don´t know, it is hard to explain.

In your untitled CD, we can see that you have matured, the music is totaly different, in the good way. Is so natural, pf! In fact, music is yourthing.

Please, keep working in what you´re doing, you´re the best, you complete the life of your fans, at least mine.

Thanks J.D. seriously.

Texto agregado el 17-12-2007, y leído por 209 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
17-12-2007 Cool CD, I just love this music... crazy music so amazing... 5 stars from Loco Loco_Butter
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