Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / SaritaPeixoto / Him and me


Hello, as these, I have to admit that I cannot stop to think of you, it is certain, he makes a lot that I don't see you, but, each moment, each instant, each it details, even each movement and your expression, I am engraving in my, I feel that you even continue here that even caress me that even enjoy of my scent... that even love me, or at least, I even believe that, if you loved me...
Yesterday I found you after a lot of time, my body began to tremble, my hands began to sweat... he stops to breathe... Hello, listen, he greets you and I sat down, be still with the lost look together with my heart that beat...
I don't even understand because it continues passing this, I went out with several friends, the step well, I have a good time... clear! alone that is not?, that kiss that you gave me at some time, that, in the room of my house, a day of July, didn't I feel again, that deep, special kiss, not you if I will feel it with somebody that you are not your... As forgetting? as fading of my thoughts? as being able to lose your memory? do I sometimes want and do I try to make it, do I fight for it... but don't I achieve it, these present in each situation of my life, in each step that I give, in each dream, in each moment... do I love you too much? is this an obsession? is true love?, not him you, alone you that I won't be able to never forget... will I marry, will I have children, grandsons maybe and in my memories you will be, as that boy that made me lose the head that made me make things that I didn't plan to make them that made me to dream that made me to live that made me feel...
Don't disappear of my life, never make them, with knowing about you anything but, I am happy!

Texto agregado el 10-12-2007, y leído por 114 visitantes. (0 votos)

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10-12-2007 ¿Y por qué has pasado el traductor de Google (o similar) a un texto escrito en castellano? m_a_g_d_a2000
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