From the everyday’s violence
Crawling up from the despair and pain
And in the need of something worthy
Comes all that furious and overwhelming love
And then you, to materialize it, make it pure
Able to burn everyday's violence
And turn it in favor of yours
Although I can’t split my mind or life not even my existence in two
Being rough still part of the enchant
I want that fire coming out of your lips
I want to share my life
I need that company to feel alive
The angels now fight to achieve loneliness
The life between your eyes
And the devil’s look of your face
Keeping my reasons lost
Now I have to prove all the actions I’ve made
The conflicts I bear
I don’t care about the ones coming after me
I’ll let myself burn, running out of air
Feeling the bitterness of the carbon dioxide on my lungs
An angry pack full of movements
To try to breathe your scent again
And hold the blackness of your hair
With the enough force to smash my neck
More than a million stars
It doesn’t matter if I lose the skin in my hands
I can’t stay that far
I’ll lose it, and then go blind
Texto agregado el 28-10-2007, y leído por 120
visitantes. (1 voto)
Lectores Opinan
That`s a lot of pain!... I like it... It seems honest!... tuxie
Verdades y tristezas pero,porqué no te interesa los que vienen después de tí? ketti
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