Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Why to change outside
if what I want you to see it`s inside?

Why to hide myself
being something I`m not?

I`m tired of complaining,
it hurts more than it helps...

I just want you to see what`s inside,
so you can value who am I,
and maybe choose to stay,
because of ME...
And not thanks to a pretty costume!

Texto agregado el 26-10-2007, y leído por 204 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
12-12-2007 Mira: http://www.thestories.net lsz
26-10-2007 hola me gustomucho ammm aunque algo desesperado, si el no puede ver lo que eres y si el no puede quedarse sin que tu se lo pidas dejalo ir. madamedemyang
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