Keeping myself out of pretentions
Out of illusions, out of deceptions
A disappointing point of view
From someone’s bitter reaction
Not enough to be upset or mad
Just enough to beat you out of track
When you try your best to call out attention
With no intention of overstep on someone
Starting with a drawback
Making your mind on the very opposite
And throwing your mind out the cliff
Because nobody seems to be interested on it
“Just give me something to go on”
Could be the message to acclaim love
Something you’ve found hard to buy
And now we need to do a trip
To bring balance back and find peace
There is no job pulling us back
There’s no joke, an escape could do it
Science can’t explain it
That bitter look just make me more bored
If there wasn’t enough with being worthless
You come to tell me this is bad
As more sleepy as I could be
I won’t turn my back at anything at all
Perhaps it’s just my imagination
Or it’s just the moments when I’m invisible
To everyone’s eyes
Or everybody are ignoring me for some dark reason
Seems it affected you as well
Perhaps I just can live with it
Although I could be obviously helpful
It doesn’t matter anymore
Some reasons are very wrong
Even when these didn’t come out of my thoughts
Which make you be afraid of me?
For some unknown reason for me
I’ll always take it as a down
The kind of rejections that I’m used to
But I can’t say that I’m on the wrong place
Maybe I’m doing it backwards or just wrong
It would be easier if you were a sworn enemy
I’ll just point out at you with my finger
Say a few aching words
Look over my shoulder and go
But seems that I can’t walk alone
Although I do it faster without company
But it’s a known fact that
Speed kills you
Now I’m looking a red sunset
Trying to see towards a future
Blurry, distant and with sign of being sure
Because a can’t say anything about it
Also, I don’t know if I’ll live to see it coming
Or if life will worth enough to be breathing
Far from being a medium
I’d rather keep my mind and imagination on stand by
Flying high on my mind brings a big disappointing
And my imagination creates a lot of fake things
I’ll just turn my back to calculations
And walk away singing the current tune on my mind
Texto agregado el 21-10-2007, y leído por 113
visitantes. (1 voto)
Lectores Opinan
Hi... I love the end.... "And walk away singing the current tune on my mind".... Wow!
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