Now my mind splits in two
One side is with you completely
The other one has its doubts
But my love still true
At least that is not one of my problems
But you know this could happen one day
One side has a blind faith in you
The other one do it as you have faith in me
Shifting manners
Confused, because I’m too tired to solve problems
Like the ones I’m having now
This is only the testimony of the awkward position
I’m on these days
Because although I’d run to your arms
Expecting some appreciation you just could say no
And if the answer were acceptation I’ll step back
Because if everything will be like the things I’ve seen
I’ll have to run away
And I think you aren’t after that!
But my split personality makes me slip
And show the feelings that fill up my mind
Controlled by my soul and executed by my body
Perhaps because after such happiness I’ll die
But what would be the reason of my life then?
You must know that I’m mad about you
As it seems to be the message I’ve been playing
I must learn how to deal with this
My old fashioned way it’s getting useless
And now all that I’ve denied before
It’s charging up the bill
And you being the very opposite to me
With a wider vision of the world and it’s people
You have me wondering if I could be real to you
Although I don’t know what would you see on me
I’ll need to take the world with my own two hands
Texto agregado el 15-10-2007, y leído por 105
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Pagano, get pleasure from you poem. pagano
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