Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / darkerth / Some Kind Of End


Before everything I’ve to write
The sky is not blue with white
Heart made of oak, soul of transparent steel
Sitting on a wire, watching that particular sky
Full of red fire and bright white light
Explosion of purple lives
If like someone cares something about the future
Or the mind of the ultimate killer
Have changed just to make better his life
We’re singing and talking
On what we think it’s correct
Because we can’t talk in a line
Nothing but destruction will bring the future
Sitting on first class, we watch the sun in the sky
Targets of the mean machine of some politic fool
No chemical reaction to bring back the trees
But lots to take away our lives
Waiting for the black touch of Neverland
Or the hope from someone who never will come
The possible loss of the time we have left
Nothing that thick could be analyzed
And now the clocks are moving faster
As well as the pictures on my eyes
I will not find redemption, no meditation, no course
No smooth voices to explain you what’s going on
With the madness at it’s highest level
Everything it’s possible
Some chemical and violet waves, that mixes with orange dreams
And now somehow a clock it’s ticking, wondering and end
But tied this world we watch the bomb we’ve built
Waiting to blow
On an orange and white wave of mass destruction

Texto agregado el 14-10-2007, y leído por 107 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
14-10-2007 And you that you do paar that this does not happen? ... if each one was changing the vision from his(her,your) heart elmundo entirely it(he,she) would change and dentendriaos this one schemes infernally that overwhelms us. Kisses mancuspia
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