Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / tuxie / Soledad
what happened with the person i used to be..... what happened with the world i used to know.... what happened with the things that were important.... what happened with ME....... suddenly i feel so lost.... and lonely..... the ones who listen are no longer there..... the ones who stayed here doesn`t know me as well as they think..... the silence is where i scream and ask for help but there is no one who can listen.... no one cares..... so lonely, so lost, so confused..... i need what i used to have.... the peace i once felt..... the joy i was given.... the Gift that left.... i feel a hole, in my head, in my heart..... so empty.... bring it back... i want it back.... but i got lost
and i can`t find my heart..... my head............ my life...................
so sad
so lost....
would you listen if i ask for help?
will you see what`s inside?
will you hear what is not spoken?
Texto agregado el 12-10-2007, y leído por 184
visitantes. (3 votos)
Lectores Opinan |
24-10-2007 |
mmm, la persona que soliamos ser...!! No la extrañes...! algún dia se llevará toda la nostalgia! algun día se llevará todo lo que quieres que se lleve!!! y dejará todo lo que quieres que deje! lsz |
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22-10-2007 |
El sentirse solo y perdido es inevitable, a veces no es que la gente se aleje de nosotros, sino que simplemente nosostros nos alejamos de ellos. Pero quizá sea bueno disfrutar de esa soledad, ayuda a madurar en ocasiones. Muy buen escrito. AstralRomance |
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19-10-2007 |
Me la guardo con tu permiso para poderla traducir,capto algo(perdona mi ignorancia) y me gusta. australia |
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