Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / darkerth / Piercing Words, Even Odds


Too cold
Now you walk
Your eyes now old
Kill rabbits made of chalk

Odds, wheels, slot machines
Making people lose their dreams
Fools never knowing what it means
Running away from Indians with big teeth

Now fine
As a couple we follow a line
On this line I’m looking for a name
Which I know you’ll help me to find

Piercing words
With odd and sharp accords
Now the wind wants me cold
Inside a big ebony box

Avoid all my looks
My gray eyes
And awful hooks
There’s no big surprise
Spiders on you crawling
No cure for madness

You do a catwalk
And do your hair in front of me

I’m paralyzed
You also do so
I look at your face
You run and smile at high pace

Damn my sheets are over
Lie after lie I wrote
An all this glow
No more to go

Texto agregado el 09-10-2007, y leído por 93 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
09-10-2007 Neither lie nor madness the love todolo recovers between(among) white sheets and slippery and brilliant bodies of saliva. Kisses mancuspia
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