Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / darkerth / I Don\t Think That She Cares


I don’t think that she cares
Watching the flowers grow
You don’t really need to see the blood feeding them
And driving at 140 km/h
You can’t see the crappy places around
And the needed people living in them
Not so much to feel
When your muscles are filled with toxins
And you have a smile by default
Quite enough to see everybody stop
Take some time and in between see what’s out there
Not too much to get around
When the cities are designed to shadow it
Undone landscape that governments only worry to destroy
Torn beauty of broken feelings
Bad experiences caught on children faces
Why would she have to know about it?
When a lot of species are living happy on TV?
Running away some people are
And losing what they’ve called home
What would you expect to happen?
If I haven’t said straight ahead
All my feelings of her
No invisible sun to make see that
And actually
I don’t think that she cares
If I’m here or if I’m not

Texto agregado el 07-10-2007, y leído por 120 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
29-10-2007 Smile by default.... it`s good! tuxie
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