Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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But somehow you bumped into me
Where I’ll never expected it
And you allow me to hold your hand
The situation it’s desperate
We have to run in a strange situation
You trust me more than I imagined please allow me to be a runaway
With you those weird dreams all gone, and actually…
I guess I would bleach my mind for now
Untold some moments are clustered inside bad memories
Now we get the best from ourselves
And turn some water into wine
Relaxation now is made per fun
No big deals to give people what they want
Or pitiful situations and cold thoughts
Running lives and tearing dreams apart
Behold the strings that cover your soul
Because the gossips torn the ones covering your body
I’ll have no courtesy when I do one collecting round
I’m still trying to understand
Why people undo their lives instead of doing something
Good or precise enough to come back
On a blackout curse of talking widely odd
Now you’re so damn full of decorations and makeup
Enough to hide even the darkest crimes on your face, people
Though, keeping it with options
But showing how lovely your figure and voice are
Besides of all this, things are desperate
I’m walking beside you but you don’t pay any attention at all
You are not getting this
Now the environment it’s dangerous
And the look of the people is even meaner
Although all this you say to me all this seems peaceful
Thing that I could not get
Because nurses now wear disgusting garments on their heads
Somehow I dreamt on holding your hand
On a desperate way to run from here
I know
I guess I’ll never make myself clear

Texto agregado el 02-10-2007, y leído por 124 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
09-10-2007 I offered you my hand and I see that slope to accept it ... you do not entrust to sorrow(despite) that you know me well ... I am sorry about it have neither double speech nor mask am like that of certification once I sinned of lying for love, two times not .... it is a love kisses. MAncus mancuspia
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