Which is the real fire? Does it exist? If not, I have no voice If not, I have no reason to live I’ve looking for it a thousand years A thousand ways I’ve been going thru Será que esta vez si tome el camino correcto? Cual es el camino si no sabes a donde ir? Como saber donder ir sin un camino? Y si no fuera este el camino correcto? Vida sin vivir para ahora poder vivir Poder vivir para encontrar Y al encontrar ser feliz I found my real fire, I found it yesterday I found it in a happy day That makes all my life complete. Nobody could take my fire out I’ll have it forever I’ll be burning in my fire If I would have to defend it That’s the better gift God gives me That’s my fire I’ll protect it forever We’ll die together YOU ARE MY FIRE AND I WILL BE WITH YOU UNTILL THE END OF TIMES.
Texto agregado el 16-09-2007, y leído por 108 visitantes. (2 votos)